What a rewarding experience to shift our attention to massage and touch healing on a sunny afternoon in Somerset West! A group of interested enthusiastic participants attended a short course introducing how to use caring touch to enhance the physical and emotional wellbeing of loved ones. They had gathered to join the Massage for Me & Mine short course to learn how to safely and effectively massage their family & friends and share in Erika and my longtime fascination and experience with caring touch. WHO WE ARE Before I give an overview of our opening session, let me introduce who we are and why we want to share our knowledge. We have both been massage professionals for 20 years in our respective practice. To teach our skills and share methods in an introductory and accessible way is our aim to give others the pleasure of conscious touch to allow self to connect to love and loved ones. THE INTRODUCTORY SESSION Two hours, Intro Part 1, Wednesday 18th October 2023, Blandford House, Somerset West
Erika introduced a short history of massage in an entertaining presentation filled with anecdotes and images to guide the expounding. She explained that massage has been used for all time as a way of soothing, healing and restoring vitality to the corporeal body. Many schools of lineage from all parts of the world and a multitude of styles have developed. We teach an integrative holistic massage based on therapeutic massage and intuitive massage schools and best practice, personal well-being principles, contra-indications and basic connective tissue manipulations. There is no need to memorise or take notes as a booklet is provided. A quick tea break then we hit the floor, and the walls armed with massage balls and towels. The practical aspect was fun, with sensitivity, humour and enthusiasm demonstrating the effective relief that can be achieved with simple techniques and equipment readily available at home. Surface exploration into massage for self (me) and mine (loved ones) is gentle and you can build confidence and cadence with Naulene and Erika, professional and experienced massage therapists. We look forward to introducing you to the magic of massage and what safe and effective touch can do for you, your family and friends. Keep an eye on our social media accounts for upcoming workshops. Instagram: massageformeandmine Facebook: Massage for Me & Mine
The intention of every hairdresser I have ever met, and I have seen several in my massage practice over the years, is to make their clients look beautiful, to help them feel better about themselves and to improve their self-confidence.
But this quest does not come without a price. Hairdressing is a demanding job for the stylist as well as everyone else on the salon team. To achieve their maximum potential as employees and experience life joyfully, stylists have to look after themselves and develop simple, sustainable wellness practices. Are you a hair stylist and you are not sure how to do that? I have a few ideas ... Is it necessary for small businesses, micro businesses and solopreneurs to implement a formal workplace wellbeing strategy?
I think it is and that is what I told a group of business women at the Durbanville Chapter of the Xtraordinary Women recently. To find out why I think it is important, continue reading and watch the interview with Barbara Stander of Business Partners Western Cape and Xtraordinary Women Durbanville chapter leader at the end of the blog post. It was recorded after the talk.
To improve our health and wellness we have got to take action.
But the last thing we need is to add yet another chore to our daily to-do list. So here are a few ways to gently introduce wellness into your workplace and your life.
Let’s walk and talk, my friend and business coach, Karon Wiercx suggested the other day as we were making our next appointment.
Until then we have always sat down as we chatted and worked through the Consciousness Coaching protocol she uses. But Karon had this idea to combine coaching and walking.
A recent statement by a prominent, local politician that stress is a white man’ disease, caused some uproar in my country.
“I don’t get stressed," he declared. “Stress is a white man’s disease and that is why a term such as stress does not exist in the Zulu language." Overhere, where race is a very sensitive topic, most of the reactions to his statement centred around that aspect. But also relevant I thought, is the common mistake of mixing up terminology related to:
And this is where, I think, the politician got it wrong (although there was probably much more to the statement than a lack of physiology knowledge). Make no mistake, this is not the first time I have heard people confusing the two concepts ... whether the word appears in their dictionaries or not. So what is the difference between responding to stress and being stressed out?
Every year since 20 March 2012, the world has been commemorating International Day of Happiness.
20 March also happens to be my best friend Lynette’s birthday, an event the two of us have celebrated since 1968! And I can tell you with no doubt in my mind that our friendship has greatly contributed to my own happiness ever since that day during our first year at school, when she allowed me to use her peacock blue and mauve crayons for my drawing. But what is this thing, happiness, really? And how is happiness related to health and wellness?
Flip-flops, thongs, plakkies, slops - synonymous with summer, sun and sea.
But these no-heel-strap sandals have become the daily footwear choice for many for its comfort and convenience. many people spend the entire day in flip-flops even wearing it to work. But that is not the full story. Comfortable and convenient yes, but there is a distinct dark side to wearing flip-flops for long periods. Read here to see what it can do to posture, muscles and walking patterns.
What does the term healthy lifestyle mean to you?
Is it an empty buzz word that no longer makes an impression on you? Or does it leave you with guilt feelings because you are not fulfilling society's expectations? I want to tell you that living a healthy lifestyle has more to do with your own needs and desires than the external prescriptions and pressures from the media and the medical fraternity. You have to look at your health from the inside out. Here is why:
We really have no excuse.
Thanks to our high standard of living we have moved beyond basic survival needs. We have the Internet that puts all the information about health and wellness at our finger tips.We have clever apps on our electronic devices to support our good intentions. And we can employ people like massage therapists and personal trainers and dieticians to support our efforts. Yet something still prevents us from putting intenstions and desires for healthy living into practice. Very often that something is the way we think and the way we talk about health and wellness. |
Erika KrugerI am Erika Kruger, self-care skills trainer & mentor. I am here for every person who realises that their wellbeing is THEIR business. Categories